FAN MOTOR YKT-63-6-200L 38CAF022 38KAF022 38KCE024 KCE018 LUC018 LUC022 CSH022 CSH018 (5 WIRES)

Buy FAN MOTOR YKT-63-6-2 at Uno Aire Philippines


FAN MOTOR YKT-63-6-200L 38CAF022 38KAF022 38KCE024 KCE018 LUC018 LUC022 CSH022 CSH018 (5 WIRES)

Looking for spare parts? We got it for sale.

We offer complete parts and supplies for HVAC/R by offering you a wide array of variations, brands, and products to suit your technical requirements.

We are Uno Aire, and we offer complete parts, accessories, and tools specializing in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Should you be interested in any of our products, feel free to browse the store.

We offer the following:

air conditioning, refrigeration, hvac supplies, copper tube, compressor, fan motor, capacitor, fan blade, propeller fan, blower wheel, refrigerant, freon, air filter, filter drier, evaporator coil, condenser coil, gauge, thermal expansion valve, indoor PCB, outdoor PCB, aircon remote control, magnetic contactor, circuit breaker, thhn wires, drain pump, knob, silver rod, aluminum rod, bronze rod, flux, elbow, coupling, tee, coupling reducer

Brands offered:

Carrier, Condura, Kelvinator, Midea, Harris, Emerson, Danfoss, Copeland, Panasonic, Uniweld, LG, Rechi

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